


She is a Research Fellow in International Law at the University of Milan. She has been Lecturer in International Investment Law and International Trade Law (University of Milan years 2010-201, 2011-2012, 2012-2013). She has conducted research in several academic institutions, including Columbia University (Fall semester 2010). She holds a PhD in International Law from the University of Milan and a Master’s Degree in Advanced International Legal Studies from the University of Verone. She graduated in Law from the University of Bologna in 2001. She has been involved in several research projects financed by the Italian government, as well as by the European Union (Marie Curie PEOPLE-2012-IRSES – “Partnering Opportunities between Europe and China in the Renewable Energies and Environmental industries” – POREEN) and has been invited to present the outcomes of her research at national and international conferences. She is the author of the book Imprese multinazionali, diritti umani e ambiente. Profili di diritto internazionale pubblico e privato [Multinational Corporations, Human Rights and Environmental Protection: a Public and Private International Law Perspective, Milan: Giuffrè, 2012, pp. 434], as well as of several articles dealing with public and private international law issues, mainly in the fields of business and human rights, international contracts, IP rights, biotech law.



She obtained a Ph.D. in Comparative Law in January 2010 from the Faculty of Political Studies and for European and Mediterranean High Education “Jean Monnet” of Second University of Naples (SUN). She is Connoisseur of International Law at University of Rome “Tor Vergata” since 2006. She is also a member of the Rome Bar since 2009. She was also Contract Professor of International and European Law.



After a Bachelor Degree in European Economics at Tor Vergata University in 2007, and a 6-months academic experience at the Universidad de Granada, she moved to Milan at Bocconi University, where has attended a Master of Science in Economic and Social Science. During her studies, she collaborated with the Department of Economics and Institutions of Tor Vergata, working as data collector for a research project on Italian manufacturing companies. In September 2009 she moved to Brussels for a 6-months traineeship at EJC – Roberti ed Associati, a consulting firm specialized in antitrust litigations. After the graduation, she moved to Rome to join as a trainee the Economic Evaluation Team at the Antitrust Italian Authority for three months. Thereafter collaborated with VVR – Verto Value Regeneration as a Junior Consultant for a research project focused on craft industry and craft professional training. Currently, she works in the Transfer Pricing Team at KStudio Associato – KPMG in Rome since October 2010.



J.S.D. candidate in International Law and Human Rights at “St. Thomas University” in Miami (USA). LL.M. magna cum laude in Intercultural Human Rights at the same University, where she also served as Editor in Chief of the Intercultural Human Rights Law Review. She worked as a legal consultant focusing on projects of development cooperation, promotion of small and medium enterprises, and human rights compliance. Member of the Expert Group on Business and Human Rights.



He is a Colombian lawyer, holding a Master in International Protection of Human Rights from Sapienza University of Rome and a Master in Peace Building Management, Geopolitics and Conflict Resolution from the Pontificius University “San Bonaventura” of Rome. PhD candidate in International Law at the University of Rome “Tor Vergata”, with more than 4 years of work experience in research and consulting. Member of the Expert Group on Business and Human Rights.



She is Associate Professor of International Law, International Trade Law, International Environment and Energy Law at Parthenope University, Napoli (Italy). Lawyer. She previously held the following positions: General Manager Assistant, Authority for electricity and gas, Milano, Italy (Duties: Legal adviser); Deputy-Director Legal Department, Authority for telecommunications, Napoli, Italy (Duties: Proceedings, regulations and disputes settling); Viceprefetto aggiunto, Ministero dell’Interno (Prefettura), Milano, Italy (Duties: High responsibility position legal adviser). She holds a PHD in International Taxation Law, Università degli Studi di Napoli (Italy). Field of specialization are: International Tax harmonization; six months course (Final Certificate) Scuola Superiore Amministrazione dell’Interno, field of specialization: Public Administration; two years fellowship of CNR, International Labour Office, Geneva (Switzerland), field of specialization: International Migration; Degree in International Law, Università degli Studi di Napoli (Italy), field of specialization: International Migration.



She holds a PhD in Economic and Market Law from the Institute of Advanced Interdisciplinary Studies (ISUFI) in Lecce, Italy. As a research fellow, she completed a dissertation on ‘Cross Border Insolvency, Multinational Enterprise Groups and Conflicts of Law’ in 2011. She served as a Lecturer and Teaching Assistant on International Law at the Faculty of Law of the University of Salento. Silvia was admitted to the Italian Bar in 2009. She is currently working at the Investment Climate Department of the International Finance Corporation (IFC) of the World Bank Group, consulting on competition policy and antitrust matters.